On your request, we inform you about the availability of items by 24 hours. After you place your order we send you the Order Acknowledgement email which contains details of the goods and the total cost of the order including delivery.
After you email us the payment receipt (see paragraph Payment) and the delivery address, we dispatch the goods to you using the courier service you have chosen and email you the shipping track code.
All prices shown at Gift Idea Shop Online are inclusive of VAT and other applicable taxes. The prices shown do not include the delivery fee, which will be added to your total order price in accordance with paragraph below “Shipping”. You can pay for your goods by bank transfer or by Paypal.
The Gift Idea Puglia Packaging involves a small commission ranging from 2% in Italy, up to 7% depending on the country where the order is placed.
The Gift Idea Puglia packaging requires the use of first choice materials that ensure the success of the shipment: double wave cartons, polystyrene, bubble rap, sheets for packaging
,cartoni doppia onda,polistirolo,cantinette,bubble rap,fogli per imballaggio, food bags and packaging adhesive.